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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Dec 17, 20244 min read
Holidays for the highly sensitive: How to reduce overwhelm & increase self-compassion
During the holiday season there is much ‘hustle and bustle’- shopping, cooking, connecting, celebrating, planning, and making space for...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Nov 5, 20245 min read
Feeling impatient? Protect your patience using the skills of self-compassion
Have you ever had that moment where you’re running late for something important, and it feels like everything (I mean everything) is...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Aug 24, 20245 min read
The fun diaries: Creating space for play, joy and happiness
Do you find it hard to have fun? To let your guard down and fully embrace a silly or playful energy. Have you been told that you’re ‘too...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Apr 15, 20243 min read
Perfectionism shrinks your life; self-compassion expands it.
Does it ever feel like no matter how much you do it is never enough? Perfectionism creates unrealistic (often unattainable) standards...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Feb 5, 20242 min read
A letter of hope for eating disorder recovery
Dear you, I know eating disorder (ED) recovery is hard. Healing and creating change in your relationship with food and your body takes...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Jan 23, 20244 min read
Just Journal: A Pathway to Self-Connection and Self-trust
Have you ever wondered, ‘who am I’? Learning (unlearning and relearning) who we are is lifelong process. Time and experiences change what...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Nov 7, 20234 min read
Gentle strength: How self-compassion provides both comfort and courage
Do you find yourself relentlessly pushing yourself to do more, but struggle to get things done? Often, we motivate ourselves with fear:...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Sep 21, 20234 min read
Curious Compassion: It’s okay to change your mind and change your course in life
Have you ever realized you were headed in the wrong direction and needed to turn around? This can happen when we’re physically trying to...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Aug 23, 20234 min read
7 Ways to Rediscover and Reconnect with Joy
When was the last time you jumped for joy or excitedly announced ‘this is the best day ever’? For some of us, it might have been some...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Jun 29, 20233 min read
More than Nice: Using Self-Compassion to Heal from People-Pleasing
How many times have you been told to ‘be nice’ as a request, demand, or an expectation. What did you have to give up? Maybe it was...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
May 24, 20233 min read
The Benefits of Cold Showers & Sensation-based Coping
Do you ever feel flooded by emotions or caught up in an endless loop of overthinking? Learn how sensation-based coping strategies help!
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Apr 18, 20233 min read
Hope is an active process
What has got you through the hardest moments in your life? For me it’s hope. Hope is the trust that things will improve in time and it’s...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Mar 10, 20233 min read
Saying ‘No’ with Compassion, Saying ‘Yes’ with Intention
My children often ask for a ‘yes day’. If you’ve seen the movie, parents agree to say yes (with safety limits) to anything the kids ask...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Feb 3, 20233 min read
Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2023
Eating Disorder Warrior. This term resonates with what I have witnessed in many people’s journey with their eating disorder, especially...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Jan 30, 20236 min read
Power of 10: Making time to meet our needs
Many of us struggle with finding time to care for ourselves and do the things that are needed, not only for our well-being, but also the...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Dec 21, 20224 min read
Mindfulness During the Holidays
Do you ever feel like you have more to do than time to do it in? Or does it feel like there is an emptiness within you or in front of you...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Nov 29, 20224 min read
A Mission of Kindness
The sky was cloudy and grey, and the air was damp and chilly. It was the kind of day where you want to stay inside, cuddle under...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Oct 5, 20223 min read
We're not alone: How common humanity heals
“We all need more kindness” series will focus on the three elements of self-compassion[1] (common humanity, self-kindness, and...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Sep 12, 20224 min read
Not so ‘random’ emotions
When hiking today, I encountered two hills which reminded me of how we can experience emotions. Sometimes the cause of feeling...
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Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW
Jul 31, 20222 min read
The Ordinary is Extraordinary: Finding Happiness Where it Matters
Scrolling through your social media feed in the summer you see several extraordinary moments featured in people’s lives. Their travels,...
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